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Drugs Possession with Intent to Distribute


Drugs Possession with the Intent to Sell is a very serious offense in Las Vegas. Consequences include lengthy imprisonment and high fines. Also, future employment would pass you over if you have a narcotic conviction on your criminal records.

Nevada Laws for Possession of illegal substance with Intent to Distribute

Drugs Possession with Intent to Distribute

The law defines this section as unlawful possession of controlled substance for sale. The prosecutors however, should prove the following:

  • The defendant was in possession of illegal drugs; and
  • The defendant was intending to sell them

Possession of illegal drugs

Possession of controlled substance does not necessarily have to be owning them. To be found guilty of narcotics possession, at least one of the following conditions have to be true:

  • You carry the drug on your person, or sometimes called as actual possession; and
  • You keep the drugs in a location that you have an access to: car, home, or any storage facility. This is sometimes known as constructive possession.
  • You share drug possession with more than 1 person by storing the illegal drugs in a common area or buying the controlled substance together. This is also known as joint possession.

Intent to Distribute

Intention is a subject which is hard to prove; there is no physical witness that there is really an “intention to sell” in which the controlled substance has been found in your possession. However, to determine the intent to sell of someone who possesses the illegal drugs, the law enforcers who performed the arrest would check the following:

  • The suspect is carrying a deadly weapon;
  • The suspect was found in an area known for drug dealing;
  • The suspect is not high, drugged, nor carrying drug paraphernalia;
  • The suspect is carrying a lot of cash including small bills;
  • There were large amount of drugs; and
  • The drugs were stored evenly and separately in containers or baggies.

Defenses for Drug Possession with Intent to Sell

An experienced drug possession attorney can use some of the strategies below:

  • The law enforcers violated your rights

As per the 4th Amendment, police officers should follow strict guidelines when searching for vehicles, people, and homes. If the law enforcers did unlawfully performed a search without a warrant, then the evidences found from the search should not be used against you.

A good criminal defense attorney should file a motion to suppress the evidence from an unlawful search. This motion explains the reason why there is a need to suppress the evidence and would also outline why the law enforcers violated your rights when they executed the search.

Once the court granted the motion to suppress, there is a big chance that your narcotics case will be dropped for lack of major evidence in the case.

  • The Lack of intent

Without the intention to sell the drugs, there is no probable cause for the case to stand in court. There are chances that if you did not intend to sell the drugs, then you are not supposedly liable for the drug charges. An experienced drug crime lawyer can show to the court that the drugs were only for your own personal use, the charges would be reduced with minimal offenses.

  • The controlled substance belongs to someone else

Raising a doubt with the drug charges is a good defense. There are cases when the accused is unaware of the illegal drugs, then they did not commit the drug possession at all.


Probation without imprisonment is possible for 1st-time offense for possession of illegal substance with the intent to sell. However, depending on the drug schedule and the defendant’s criminal history, he can be convicted to serve any of the following:

Schedule I or Schedule II

1st offense:

  • Category D Felony
  • 1 to 4 years imprisonment
  • Fines up to $5,000

2nd offense:

  • Category C Felony
  • 1 to 5 years imprisonment
  • Fines up to $10,000

3rd offense:

  • Category B Felony
  • 3 to 15 years imprisonment
  • Fines up to $20,000

Schedule III, IV, or V

1st and 2nd offense:

  • Category D Felony
  • Probation is possible for 1st offense
  • 1 to 4 years imprisonment
  • Fines up to $10,000

3rd or subsequent offense:

  • Category C Felony
  • 1 to 5 years imprisonment
  • Fines up to $10,000

Possession of drug paraphernalia with the intent to sell:

This is a separate offense as opposed to possession of illegal substance with the intent to distribute. 1st-time offense is probationable. The penalties for subsequent offense are:

  • Category E Felony
  • 1 to 4 years imprisonment
  • Fines up to $5,000

Plea Bargain:

If the prosecutors are not willing to drop the drug charges, your legal counsel can negotiate a plea bargain where your case can be reduced from Felony to Misdemeanor charges. The sentence can include:

  • Probation,
  • Rehabilitation,
  • Community service,
  • Avoiding to get arrested again while the case is on-going, and
  • A suspended jail sentence (you will not get imprisoned as long as you do not violate the terms of the agreement).

Attorney for Possession Illegal Substance with intent to distribute

Find a criminal defense attorney that can help you or your loved one who is facing drug charges either get your charges reduced or even get the case dismissed to keep your records clean. Schedule a case consultation and know how a criminal defense attorney in Las Vegas can help you with your drug charges.
