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Henderson Felony Defense Lawyer
Henderson stands out on its own compared to Las Vegas regarding many things: urban development, entertainment, and population size, to name a few. Fortunately it has a better record as far as crimes are concerned. Nonetheless, there are instances when serious crimes are committed in Henderson, and in many instances it can involve people that shouldn’t be involved in the first place. For a rather extreme example, you, a relative or a friend would be charged with committing a felony in Henderson.
If ever you are accused of committing a felony in Henderson, it would be wise to seek the assistance of a veteran criminal defense attorney for Henderson and Las Vegas.
Law Enforcement in Henderson
Henderson falls under the jurisdiction of the Eighth Judicial District of Clark County; as such, its laws and rules with Las Vegas to its northeast. Jurisdiction within the city itself is split between incorporated areas within the city interior, and unincorporated areas in the outlying areas. Misdemeanor cases within incorporated areas are handled by the Henderson Municipal Court. Felonies and other severe charges, meanwhile, are handled by the Henderson Justice Court. In addition, all alleged crimes committed in Henderson’s unincorporated areas are automatically handed over to the Justice Court, regardless of severity. If a complaint is severe enough, however, the case may be transferred to the Clark County District Court.

With a track record of successfully defending clients from around the world against a range of criminal charges, Ross's dedication, meticulous attention to detail, and relentless pursuit of justice make him a formidable advocate in any legal challenge you may face.