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Paradise Felony Criminal Defense Attorney
For all its progress and development, Paradise, Nevada still has issues with crime being committed within its premises. Felony, while rarer than most crimes, is still a serious matter. Chances are, you or someone you know might be involved in a felony case in Paradise.
Felony charges are no small matter; they can have far-reaching consequences when not addressed properly. For a Paradise, Nevada local, that could mean the loss of multiple business prospects and a hard future ahead. You will need the help of a veteran defense attorney if ever you are faced with such a legal dilemma.
Law Enforcement in Paradise, NV
Paradise falls under the jurisdiction of the Eighth Judicial District of Clark County; as such, it shares laws and rules with Las Vegas to its southwest. As an unincorporated area, crimes committed within Paradise are processed through the local Justice Court, regardless of severity. If a complaint is severe enough, however, the case may be transferred to the Clark County District Court for further deliberation.

With a track record of successfully defending clients from around the world against a range of criminal charges, Ross's dedication, meticulous attention to detail, and relentless pursuit of justice make him a formidable advocate in any legal challenge you may face.