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- Can I Refuse a Field Sobriety or Breathalyzer Test in Las Vegas?
- How Long Does It Take for a Criminal Case to Go to Trial in Las Vegas?
- What is the Role of a Criminal Defense Attorney, and When Should I Hire One?
- Can Charges Be Dropped Before Trial?
- What is the Difference Between a Felony and a Misdemeanor?
- What Rights Do I Have During a Police Investigation or Interrogation?
- What Should I Do If I’m Arrested?
- The Role of Digital Evidence in Modern Criminal Defense
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- Which Crimes are Ineligible for Record Sealing in Nevada?
- How do Defendants get a Public Defender in Nevada?
- Firearm Rules for Out-of-State Visitors in Nevada
- Why is There No Duty to Retreat in Nevada’s Self-Defense Laws?
- Juvenile Offenders and Life Sentences in Nevada
- What are Romeo and Juliet Laws?
- 2021
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- Nevada’s Gang Crime Enhancement Law: Explained
- Driving with a Restricted License in Nevada
- 5 Nevada DUI Myths You Should Stop Believing
- Nevada Towing Laws on DUI
- Can You Have An Attorney during a DUI Stop?
- The Nevada SR-22 Requirement for DUI Cases
- Challenging Field Sobriety Tests on Nevada DUI
- DUI in Nevada: Protecting Yourself from Drunk Drivers
- August
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- Dissecting Your Right to Adequate Defense in Nevada
- Financial Abuse: The Overlooked Form of Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence While Pregnant
- False Imprisonment in Domestic Violence
- Nevada Marijuana Laws of 2019
- DUI Under 18
- DUI on a Bicycle
- Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking
- Is Corporal Punishment in Nevada Child Abuse?
- Restoring Gun Rights After a Domestic Violence Conviction in Nevada
- Domestic Violence: What If You Are the Abusive Spouse?
- No Bond in Domestic Violence
- Purchasing a Portable Breathalyzer for Personal Use
- DUI in the Military
- Jury Selection Process in Nevada
- The Connection between Gambling and Domestic Violence
- Why You Should Report Domestic Abuse Immediately
- Can Domestic Violence Affect Green Card?
- Domestic Violence in the Workplace
- Domestic Violence Against Men
- Can the Victim Drop Domestic Violence Charges in Nevada?
- Acquitted versus Not Guilty: How are they Different?
- Different Types of Evidence That Could Be Used Against You
- Getting a Job with a Domestic Violence Conviction
- What to Expect from a Nevada DUI School
- When Does Domestic Violence Become Federal Crime?
- Domestic Violence Tenant Laws for Rented Properties
- Battery with a Deadly Weapon in Nevada
- Nevada Custody Laws and Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence and Mass Shootings: How Domestic Violence Leads to Mass Shootings
- Animal Cruelty in Las Vegas
- Violation of Restraining Orders in Nevada
- Assault and Battery with Intent to Kill
- Domestic Violence: Spousal Assault
- Las Vegas Kidnapping: Explained by a LV Criminal Defense Attorney
- Punishment for Not Paying Child Support
- Sealing Las Vegas DUI Records
- Malicious Mischief in United States Crimes
- Embezzlement: What Happens to Stolen or Embezzled Property?
- Nevada DUI Penalties for Serious Injury and Death
- Identity Theft Punishments in Nevada
- 5 Types of Internet Sex Crimes
- US Federal Arson Laws
- Possessing Drug Paraphernalia in Nevada
- Domestic Violence: Elder Abuse in Nevada
- Out-of-State DUI for Las Vegas Tourists
- Wildlife Crimes: Offenses Involving Plants & Animals
- Domestic Violence: Child Abuse in NV
- NRS on Sexual Misconducts by a Nevada Teacher
- Commercial DUI in Nevada
- 5 UFC Fighters Accused of Doping
- 13 Major Crimes in the USA
- Embezzlement Definition According to NRS
- Post-Conviction Relief for Immigrants in Nevada
- Juvenile Sex Offenders in Nevada
- Revocation of License vs. Suspension of License
- Selling Fake Drugs Laws in Nevada
- Nevada Criminal Arrests as Defined by NRS
- Nevada Theft Crimes
- Post-Conviction Relief in Nevada
- NRS on Casino Markers
- Sexual Assault as Defined by NRS
- Drugged Driving in Nevada as written in NRS 484C. 110
- What is Drug Trafficking according to NRS?
- Explaining Cybercrime and Hacking Criminal Charges in Nevada
- NRS on Domestic Violence
- NRS on Drug Crimes
- NRS on Casino Markers Debts
- NRS on DUI
- NRS on Sex Crimes
- NRS on Post Conviction Relief
- November
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- 2017
- When to Enter a Plea Bargain
- Pool and Nightclub Arrests in Las Vegas – Attorney Ross Goodman
- Federal Court and Charges in Las Vegas – Criminal Lawyer Ross Goodman
- Parole and Probation in Las Vegas – Criminal Defense Lawyer Ross Goodman
- Out of State – Tourist Arrest in Las Vegas
- Las Vegas Misdemeanor Crimes – Misdemeanor Lawyer Ross Goodman
- Hit and Run Laws in Las Vegas – Traffic Attorney Ross Goodman
- Petit Larceny Laws in Las Vegas, Nevada
- Las Vegas Robbery Laws – Criminal Lawyer Ross C. Goodman
- Grand Larceny in Las Vegas, Nevada – Theft Crimes Lawyer Ross C. Goodman
- Burglary and Home Invasion in Las Vegas
- Open or Gross Lewdness – Sex Crime Lawyer Ross Goodman
- Prostitution Laws and Solicitation in Las Vegas
- Statutory Sexual Seduction
- Las Vegas Pandering and Prostitution Charges – Sex Crimes Lawyer Ross Goodman
- Obscenity in Las Vegas
- Date Rape in Las Vegas
- Criminal Record Seal in Las Vegas, Nevada
- DUI Blood Test – Las Vegas DUI Lawyer Ross Goodman
- Sleeping DUI / DWI Explained – Attorney Ross Goodman
- Underage DUI in Las Vegas
- DUI tests Refusal Law Explained – DUI Defense Lawyer of Goodman Law Group
- Las Vegas NV Laws On Interlock Ignition Devices
- Nevada’s Implied Consent Law Defined by Attorney Ross Goodman
- First DUI Offense Penalties in Las Vegas, NV - Goodman Law Group
- Field Sobriety Tests in Nevada DUI Cases
- DUI with Serious Bodily Injury or Death
- Breath Tests in DUI Cases in Las Vegas, Nevada – DUI Lawyer Ross Goodman
- DUI and Concealed Carry Permits in Las Vegas
- Prescription Fraud and Doctor Shopping
- Drugs Possession with Intent to Distribute
- Possession of Controlled Substances in Las Vegas
- Protective and Restraining Orders in Las Vegas Nevada
- Stalking in Las Vegas Explained
- Bad Check Laws in Las Vegas
- November
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- 2015
- November
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- The Necessity Defense
- What Will Happen If Marijuana Becomes Legal In Nevada?
- Which Crimes Can Fall Under Domestic Violence?
- Refusing Field Sobriety Tests A Good Idea?
- Intoxication Defense – DUI Lawyer Ross Goodman
- Juveniles In Adult Criminal Las Vegas Court
- Understanding DUI Arrests & Investigation in Las Vegas, Nevada
- January
- December
- November
- October
- Your Right To A Speedy Trial
- The Types Of Judicial Sentences in Las Vegas, Nevada
- Definition of a few common criminal terms
- Double Jeopardy as a defense
- Drunk Driving: What Are The Possible Charges?
- Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence and Perjury in Las Vegas
- List of the Best Criminal Defense Strategies
- April
- March
- A Few Myths Behind Criminal Law, Arrests and the TV
- Steps of a Court Proceeding in Las Vegas, Nevada
- Getting Out of Jail and Bail Bonds
- Habeas Corpus and Court Appeals Defined by Atty. Ross C. Goodman
- How Do I Seal Criminal Records In Nevada?
- Tourist Arrests in Las Vegas, Nevada – Goodman Law Group
- DUI Charges and Alcohol Abuse
- January
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